On November 9, 2024, EP, a 54 year old union carpenter, went to a restaurant in Methuen with his extended family. While at the restaurant he saw SP, a similarly aged man, who had had a number of confrontations with EP’s brother. At one point EP left his table and went to the men’s room. As EP was about to leave the men’s room SP entered the men’s room. The two men exchanged words with one another and then the stories diverged. A fight broke out between the two men; the restaurant management broke up the fight and escorted the two men out of the restaurant; and the police were called and responded quickly to the restaurant. EP told the police that SP had chest bumped him as he was trying to leave the men’s room and EP had simply pushed SP out of his way so he could leave the men’s room. SP told the police that EP had grabbed him by the throat and punched him in the face. SP told the police he wanted charges filed against EP.
The police charged both men with Assault & Battery. EP consulted with and retained Attorney Robert Lewin from Andover. Attorney Lewin immediately obtained copies of the police report and Attorney Lewin spoke with the police prosecutor. The two cases were set up for a Clerk-Magistrate Hearing at Lawrence District Court. On January 7, 2025 EP and Attorney Lewin arrived at Court for the hearing. SP was also present but did not have a lawyer. Attorney Lewin went over to SP and had a conversation with SP. Attorney Lewin explained to SP that if the two men went ahead with the hearing that the Clerk-Magistrate would issue criminal complaints against both men and then both men would have to return to court and criminal records would be created against both men. Attorney Lewin said that if SP and EP agreed not to go forward that it was very likely that the Clerk-Magistrate would not issue a criminal complaint against either man. SP, who could be a stubborn man, saw the light and agreed with Attorney Lewin’s suggestion.
The case was called into the hearing room. The Clerk-Magistrate had the police prosecutor read the police report. The police report clearly set out probable cause for the Clerk-Magistrate to issue criminal complaints against both men for Assault & Battery. The Clerk-Magistrate then turned to Attorney Lewin and requested his input. Attorney Lewin explained to the Clerk-Magistrate that he had spoken to both men, and both men were requesting that the Clerk-Magistrate not issue complaints. In addition, Attorney Lewin had also spoken to the police prosecutor and the police prosecutor stated to the Clerk-Magistrate that he had no objection to Attorney Lewin’s suggestion.
The Clerk-Magistrate then took both cases and simply continued the hearing for six months to July 7, 2025. On that date the applications for criminal complaint against both men will be dismissed and neither man will have to return to court. Both men left court happy.
Attorney Lewin explained to EP that as a result of this disposition:
- NO criminal complaint was issued against EP.
- EP was NOT charged with any criminal offense.
- EP does NOT have to return to Court and go before a judge.
- NO entry would be made in the Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) system against EP.
- EP had NO criminal record as a result of this case.
Attorney Lewin was a former Assistant District Attorney and for the last 50 years has limited his practice to criminal defense. He knew how to approach the man whom his client had allegedly strangled and punched in the face and get him to agree to have all the charges dismissed against both men. There are very few lawyers that have the years and breadth of experience and skill that Attorney Robert Lewin does. The results he gets speak for themselves.