Articles Posted in Assault & Battery

On November 9, 2024, EP, a 54 year old union carpenter, went to a restaurant in Methuen with his extended family. While at the restaurant he saw SP, a similarly aged man, who had had a number of confrontations with EP’s brother. At one point EP left his table and went to the men’s room. As EP was about to leave the men’s room SP entered the men’s room. The two men exchanged words with one another and then the stories diverged. A fight broke out between the two men; the restaurant management broke up the fight and escorted the two men out of the restaurant; and the police were called and responded quickly to the restaurant. EP told the police that SP had chest bumped him as he was trying to leave the men’s room and EP had simply pushed SP out of his way so he could leave the men’s room. SP told the police that EP had grabbed him by the throat and punched him in the face. SP told the police he wanted charges filed against EP.

The police charged both men with Assault & Battery. EP consulted with and retained Attorney Robert Lewin from Andover. Attorney Lewin immediately obtained copies of the police report and Attorney Lewin spoke with the police prosecutor. The two cases were set up for a Clerk-Magistrate Hearing at Lawrence District Court. On January 7, 2025 EP and Attorney Lewin arrived at Court for the hearing. SP was also present but did not have a lawyer. Attorney Lewin went over to SP and had a conversation with SP. Attorney Lewin explained to SP that if the two men went ahead with the hearing that the Clerk-Magistrate would issue criminal complaints against both men and then both men would have to return to court and criminal records would be created against both men. Attorney Lewin said that if SP and EP agreed not to go forward that it was very likely that the Clerk-Magistrate would not issue a criminal complaint against either man. SP, who could be a stubborn man, saw the light and agreed with Attorney Lewin’s suggestion.

The case was called into the hearing room. The Clerk-Magistrate had the police prosecutor read the police report. The police report clearly set out probable cause for the Clerk-Magistrate to issue criminal complaints against both men for Assault & Battery. The Clerk-Magistrate then turned to Attorney Lewin and requested his input. Attorney Lewin explained to the Clerk-Magistrate that he had spoken to both men, and both men were requesting that the Clerk-Magistrate not issue complaints. In addition, Attorney Lewin had also spoken to the police prosecutor and the police prosecutor stated to the Clerk-Magistrate that he had no objection to Attorney Lewin’s suggestion.

On Saturday, April 13, 2024, DP, a 49 year old registered nurse from Andover, went to her ex-husband’s house. She had just finished a work shift and had called her two young daughters who were at her ex-husband’s house for his parenting time. When she called she could tell that he had been drinking and was not sober. She immediately drove to his house from her work to get the girls (ages 11 and 9). When she got there and went to check on the girls, he blocked her way. She pushed him out of the way and in the process cut his lip. He called 911 and the police came. The police did not arrest her, but told her she would be summonsed to court. Shortly thereafter, DP received a notice from Lawrence District Court that an Application for Criminal Complaint had been filed against her by the Andover Police for domestic assault and battery and that a hearing would be held on May 30, 2024 to determine if a criminal complaint would be issued against her. DP consulted with and retained Attorney Robert Lewin from Andover.

Attorney Lewin felt it would be outrageous if in these circumstances DP would be charged.  She went to the house to protect her daughters. Attorney Lewin immediately contacted DP’s ex-husband and he agreed (!) that DP should not be charged. Attorney Lewin had a lengthy communication with the Andover Police Prosecutor and laid out all the facts for him.

On May 30, 2024, DP and Attorney Lewin (and DP’s ex-husband) appeared at Lawrence District Court for a Clerk-Magistrate Hearing. Attorney Lewin had DP’s ex-husband testify that he did not want a criminal complaint to be issued against DP. Attorney Lewin explained all the circumstances to the Clerk-Magistrate. The Clerk-Magistrate agreed with Attorney Lewin and denied the application for criminal complaint and dismissed the case.

On February 10, 2024, SQ, a 50 year old software developer, and his wife got into an argument. According to the Ipswich Police Department Report, SQ got into his wife’s face, she pushed him back, and then he punched her with a closed fist in the mouth, cutting her mouth and causing her to bleed down onto her chin. She immediately ran out of the house and drove to the police station and reported what had happened. The police took photos of her, and drove to the house and arrested SQ. SQ went to court and was arraigned. SQ then contacted and retained Attorney Robert Lewin of Andover.

Attorney Lewin reviewed the facts of the case and the police reports carefully. SQ’s wife decided she did not want to testify against her husband. Oftentimes, that causes the case to be dismissed; however, where there is independent evidence that an assault occurred and that the accused committed the assault, the state can go forward with the prosecution. In SQ’s case the police had the wife’s detailed statements at the police station as to the punch in the mouth, and they had photographs of her bloody face and cut lip. Attorney Lewin filed a detailed Motion to Exclude from evidence at the trial the statements SQ’s wife made to the police. (If the Judge determines that the statements were an “excited or spontaneous utterance”, then the police will be allowed to testify at trial as to the statements made by SQ’s wife. If the Judge determines that the statements were not an “excited or spontaneous utterance”, then the police will not be allowed to testify at trial as to the statements made by SQ’s wife.)

The case was set down for trial on April 10, 2024. Prior to that date, Attorney Lewin met with the Assistant District Attorney and reviewed with the Assistant DA, Attorney Lewin’s Motion to Exclude the statements made by the wife at the police station. Attorney Lewin was able to get the Assistant DA to agree that her statements at the police station were not an “excited or spontaneous utterance”.  This was a huge step for the defense.

In May of 2023 a criminal complaint issued against JT in Haverhill District Court for Domestic Assault & Battery against the mother of his child. The complaint alleged that the Assault and Battery occurred in August of 2021. Back in 2021 the police decided not to charge JT; however, he subsequently got into additional trouble with the law in 2023 and the case from 2021 was brought to life. Another attorney referred JT to Attorney Robert Lewin of Andover. JT retained Attorney Lewin.

The police report alleged that JT struck the mother of his child giving her a bruise under her eye. The two biggest problems that the Commonwealth had with its case were (1) the lack of any witnesses and (2) the fact that the alleged “victim” [the mother of JT’s child] was denying that JT struck her.

Attorney Lewin advised JT to get the earliest possible trial date. On July 13, 2023 JT and Attorney Lewin appeared in Haverhill District Court for a pre-trial hearing. The Court scheduled the case for trial on August 24, 2023. Attorney Lewin thoroughly prepared the case for trial and prepared JT and the mother of his child in the event it became necessary for them to testify.

LM, a 31 year old HVAC Tech. was charged with Assault & Battery on AB, the mother of their child. He vehemently denied the charge. On July 26, 2022 LM had his daughter for parenting time and was returning her to AB at an agreed upon return spot in Methuen (a convenient storer parking lot). On the way to the convenient store, AB texted LM and asked LM to bring the child to her home. He refused, and said the agreed spot is the parking lot of the convenient store. She was angry at his refusal. She drove to the convenient store and he arrived in the parking lot. Instead of waiting for LM to bring their daughter over to her car, AB got out of her car and ran over to LM’s van and attempted to remove their daughter from the van. LM yelled at her and a swearing match began between the two of them. He called her a “fucking bitch”. She yelled at him “Hit me, I dare you”. Finally, LM’s girlfriend who was in LM’s van got out and removed the daughter from her car seat. LM then picked his daughter up and hugged her and gave her to AB. AB had already called 911. LM saw a police officer in the convenient store and went in and got the police officer. The police officer was from Lawrence and could not do much, Within moments the Methuen Police arrived. AB told the police that LM had shoved her and pushed her. LM denied. LM was arrested and charged with Domestic Assault and Battery.

LM was assigned a public defender, but sought out a private criminal lawyer. LM met with and retained Attorney Robert Lewin from Andover. It turns out that AB had recorded the verbal exchange between herself and LM on her cell phone. It also turns out that there was a security video of the parking lot from the convenient store. The audio recording was not helpful to LM. He was loud and aggressive and swearing at AB.

Attorney Lewin listened carefully to the audio recording. And Attorney Lewin and LM studied the video together carefully. It turns out that both recordings would prove helpful to the defense at trial.  On August 1, 2023 the Jury Trial began. AB testified, a Methuen Police Officer testified, LM’s girlfriend testified, and LM himself testified. Attorney Lewin had two trial preparation sessions with LM and his girlfriend and they were thoroughly prepared to testify at the trial. They did both testify and they did a great job. The trial carried over to August 2, 2023.

On December 2, 2022, DM, a 46 year old asylum immigrant from Uganda, was arrested by the Lowell PD for Assault and Battery on a Pregnant person (a felony) and Assault & Battery on a Household Member. DM and his girlfriend live together and got into an argument and the girlfriend alleged that he pushed her causing her to fall to the floor. She then called 911. On December 5, 2022 DM was arraigned in Lowell District Court and his case was continued to January 24, 2023 for a pre-trial hearing. DM met with and retained Attorney Robert Lewin from Andover. After reviewing all the facts and police reports in detail, and after speaking directly with DM’s girlfriend, Attorney Lewin pointed out to DM that this was a “he said she said” case if it went to trial. If DM and his girlfriend were husband and wife she would have a privilege in Massachusetts not to testify against her husband; however, they were not married and therefore she could be forced to testify against him.

When the police arrived after the 911 call, the girlfriend pulled up in her car. In the car were open containers of alcohol and she had an odor of alcohol. The police report mentioned those items but said that the girlfriend did not exhibit any signs of intoxication. The girlfriend did not want to testify and the “open containers of alcohol” in the vehicle provided her with a way to avoid testifying. If she were to testify, Attorney Lewin could and would ask her about the alcohol containers in the car. It is a crime to have an open container of alcohol in a vehicle. This gave the girlfriend a Fifth Amendment Privilege not to testify. Attorney Lewin explained that to the girlfriend.

On March 6, 2023 DM and Attorney Lewin appeared in Lowell District Court when the case was scheduled for trial. The girlfriend was also present. When the case was called Attorney Lewin informed the Judge that the girlfriend had a Fifth Amendment privilege and that she should be appointed a lawyer. The Judge appointed a lawyer to advise the girlfriend. Attorney Lewin spoke with the lawyer and gave him the paperwork showing that if the girlfriend testified she could incriminate herself. The lawyer met with the girlfriend. The case was called again and the lawyer for the girlfriend reported to the Judge that the girlfriend had a valid Fifth Amendment privilege and would exercise her privilege and not testify. The DA the reported that they could not go forward without the testimony of the girlfriend. The Judge looked at Attorney Lewin. Attorney Lewin moved for a dismissal of the case. The Judge ordered the case dismissed.

BX, an attractive 30 year old female nurse at a large Boston hospital, had a whirlwind romance with DD, a 33 year old male engineer. They had a first date in October 2022 and by Thanksgiving they were talking of marriage. They went to NY and looked at Diamond Rings at Tiffany’s. He brought her to meet his family. He went to her parents to get permission to marry her. The two planned a trip to the Caribbean where they would seal the deal. Two days before they were to leave to go on the trip they got into an argument. The argument was over his failure to get rid of body soap in the shower that belonged to one of his former girlfriends. (He just could not let go of the memories that fragrance triggered!) Well BX got very angry with him and according to the police report she hauled off and slapped him twice across the face. She then left his place. He then called off the planned engagement and went to the Caribbean by himself.  When he returned, his car, which he had left parked in the street, had several new dents in it that were not there before he left. He went to the police and reported the damage to his car and the two slaps to the face. The police applied for a criminal complaint against BX for Assault & Battery on a Household Member. (The police could not charge BX with the damage to DD’s car, as there was no evidence at all that she had caused the damage.)

BX is an emergency room nurse at a major Boston Hospital. A charge of Assault & Battery would cause her problems with the Board of Registration in Nursing and with her employer. It was critical to BX that a criminal complaint not be issued against her.  BX had had a previous run in with the criminal law, and had hired Attorney Robert Lewin from Andover to represent her in that prior case. Attorney Lewin was successful in defeating that prior case at a Clerk’s Hearing. Once again BX turned to and retained Attorney Robert Lewin for help.

Attorney Lewin immediately contacted the Cambridge police prosecutor and explained the details of the relationship between BX and DD. Attorney Lewin advocated with the police prosecutor for no criminal complaint to be issued against BX. Attorney Lewin obtained the police reports and reviewed them in detail with BX. Attorney Lewin fully prepared BX for the Clerk-Magistrate hearing and prepared her to testify.

DM, an 80 year old male resident at an elderly housing facility in Haverhill was accused of assaulting DI, a 72 year old female resident at the same facility. DM was walking in the hallway of the facility and opened a window in the hallway to get some fresh air into the hallway. DI, whose room was slightly down the hallway from the window, did not want the window open and closed the window. DI claimed that DM then choked her to get her away from the window which he then reopened. DI went to her room and called 911. The police responded to the facility and interviewed both parties. DM denied choking DI. DM told the police that DI had assaulted him. DM did tell the police that after DI closed the window he reopened the window purposely to aggravate DI. The police filed an application for a criminal complaint against DM at Haverhill District Court seeking a complaint of Assault & Battery on an Elderly Person. DM has a daughter who assists DM with his affairs. DM’s daughter contacted Attorney Robert Lewin from Andover.  Attorney Lewin set up a zoom conference with DM and his daughter and took a complete statement of the facts from DM and thoroughly discussed the case with them. DM and his daughter retained Attorney Lewin.

DM’s daughter and DM himself were both extremely helpful to Attorney Lewin in preparing a defense to the charge. DM’s daughter furnished Attorney Lewin with photographs of the window and hallway and of DM (and his walker). These photographs would prove to be very helpful later. DM himself furnished Attorney Lewin with his medical records showing that DM had only a 2% use of his right hand and a 22% use of his left hand making it almost impossible for DM to have “choked” DI. In addition DI had been involved in two similar incidents in which DI had exhibited aggressive behavior toward another resident.  Attorney Lewin was able to secure the paperwork on those prior incidents.

On September 14, 2022 all the parties appeared via zoom for a Clerk-Magistrate Hearing before the Clerk-Magistrate at Haverhill District Court. Present on the zoom were Attorney Lewin, DM, DM’s daughter, the Haverhill Police Prosecutor, DI, and DI’s sister.  Attorney Lewin presented (electronically) to the Clerk-Magistrate the photographs of the window, the hallway, and of DM himself with his walker. Attorney Lewin also presented to the Clerk-Magistrate DM’s medical records showing his disability. Attorney Lewin also presented to the Clerk-Magistrate the incident reports showing that DI herself had on prior occasions acted belligerently towards another resident at the facility.

CC, a 42 year old disc jockey, lived with his girl friend in his condo in North Andover. On February 3, 2022 CC and his girlfriend got into an argument. They each accused the other of texting romantically with other people. The girlfriend went nuts. She threw CC’s iPhone off the third floor balcony of the condo . She attacked CC. CC got out his cell phone and began to record his girlfriend which aggravated her even more. Finally the girlfriend called 911. The police arrived. She told them he had strangled her. He got arrested. The next morning he was brought to Lawrence District Court and was ordered held without bail. His lawyer at the time appealed the bail to Superior Court. In the Superior Court he was released to 24 hour lockdown at his home on GPS. Inexplicably, the lawyer originally representing CC at his arraignment and bail hearings never showed the Court the videos that CC had. The lawyer was aware of the videos and had seen them, but he never played them at either of CC’s bail hearings. Had he shown them to the Judges it is very likely that CC would never have been confined to his home for 3 months.CC searched for a new lawyer. CC contacted Attorney Robert Lewin from Andover. Because CC could not leave his house, Attorney Lewin went to CC’s condo in North Andover. CC liked what he saw in Attorney Lewin and retained Attorney Lewin.

Attorney Lewin reviewed the videos that CC had captured on his iPhone. They were terrific. The videos showed the girlfriend attacking CC and he kept telling her to stop and to leave. The videos also captured the girlfriend’s 911 call to the police in which she never says that he strangled her. In court discovery, Attorney Lewin furnished copies of the videos to the DA. The case was set down for trial on May 20, 2022. CC and Attorney Lewin had had two lengthy trial prep sessions in the week leading up to the trial. On May 20, 2022 Attorney Lewin and CC appeared at court ready for trial.  Attorney Lewin informed the Judge that the girlfriend had committed several criminal offenses: Malicious Destruction of Property (smashing CC’s iPhone) and Assault & Battery (striking CC as shown on the video). The Judge appointed a lawyer to advise the girlfriend of her Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate herself. Attorney Lewin showed the court appointed lawyer the videos. Ultimately the girlfriend gave up and refused to testify. The charges against CC were dismissed; the GPS bracelet was removed; and he walked out of the Courthouse a free man.

CC and his family all gave Attorney Lewin a big hug! Trial preparation is critical to winning in criminal court.

MU is a 27 year old female who was living with her mother (age 62) and brother (age 25) in the family home in Andover. On February 28, 2021 the police were called to the house on the report of assaults by MU on both her mother and brother. The brother told the police that MU threw a full glass of water at him and attempted to kick him. According to the police report the Mother told the police that MU had been drinking and that MU “began kicking at her (the mother) and pulling her hair, pulling clumps of hair out of her head.” The mother also told the police that MU kicked at the Mother and the brother and also had bitten them. The policed observed the clumps of hair that had been pulled out and observed bruises and bite marks on the brother and mother. The policed arrested MU and she was charged with Assault & Battery on a person over age 60 (a felony) and two additional counts of Assault & Battery.

MU consulted with and retained Attorney Robert Lewin from Andover. MU’s version of the events was very different from the version of events given to the police by her mother and brother. It was clear to Attorney Lewin that MU had been the victim of an attack by her brother and mother. An application for a criminal complaint against the mother for assaulting MU was filed at Lawrence District Court. This “leveled the playing field”.

Attorney Lewin explained to MU that the only people who really win in criminal court are the lawyers because they are paid to be there and that it is in everyone else’s best interest to get out of criminal court as quickly and favorably as possible. Attorney Lewin explained to MU that everyone involved in this situation (MU, her mother, and her brother) had a right to remain silent and a right NOT to testify against each other. Attorney Lewin further explained that if everyone exercised their right to remain silent all the charges (against both MU and her mother) would have to be dismissed.  MU said that worked for her as she had no interest in testifying against her mother and she wanted the charges against herself dismissed. Even though the brother had not been charged, he too had a right to refuse to testify against his sister as his testimony could tend to incriminate him in a crime (assault & battery on his sister). With all that in mind Attorney Lewin contacted the lawyer for the Mother and suggested that it was in MU’s best interest and the Mother’s best interest not to testify against one another. The Mother’s lawyer agreed.

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