On February 25, 2023, SM, a 45 year old engineer from Andover got pulled over and cited for speeding, expired inspection sticker, and operating a vehicle with a revoked registration (a criminal offense). The vehicle was a leased Tesla. The police report indicated that the registration was revoked because the vehicle was not insured. A clerk-magistrate hearing was scheduled, but SM never received the hearing notice. The Clerk-Magistrate issued a summons for SM to appear in Woburn District Court for an arraignment on May 2, 2023. Within days after being stopped by the police SM notified the leasing company that the car was and had been fully insured. SM went and got the car registered.
SM consulted with and retained Attorney Robert Lewin from Andover. Attorney Lewin reviewed the police reports and SM – a terrific client – furnished Attorney Lewin with the insurance policies showing that the car was fully insured at all times and with a copy of the new registration certificate.
Attorney Lewin contacted the DA’s Office and showed them that the Registration should never have been revoked as the car was fully insured throughout and that the fault lay with the leasing company. Attorney Lewin prepared and filed a Motion to Dismiss the case (all the charges) prior to arraignment.