
Another Leaving the Scene Charge Avoided

On September 24, 2020 MB, a 21 year old woman from Haverhill, was driving in Haverhill when she collided into another vehicle being driven on the road. The other driver stopped but MB panicked and left the scene of the accident without stopping. Unfiortunatedly for MB her front license plate had fallen off her car at the accident scene. The police responded to the accident scene, found the plate, ran the plate, and learned that the plate belonged to a vehicle registered to MB. The police then went to MB’s home and found MB’s car still warm and with fresh front end damage. The police went to the door and MB came to the door. MB at first told the police that the other driver had fled the scene and MB had placed the accident at a different location. When the police confronted MB that her license plate was found at the scene provided by the other driver MB confessed. The police issued MB a citation for leaving the scene of a property damage accident.

MB consulted with and retained Attorney Robert Lewin from Andover. Attorney Lewin made certain that the citation would be set up for a Clerk-Magistrate Hearing. A Clerk-Magistrate Hearing is an opportunity to settle the case before a criminal complaint is issued. Attorney Lewin contacted MB’s insurance company to make certain that the property damage claim filed by the other driver was paid. Attorney Lewin also spoke with the Haverhill Police Prosecutor and advocated with the prosecutor for NO criminal complaint to be issued against MB. MB was working full time as a CNA (certified nursing assistant) and she was attending a Community College to become a registered nurse. She had no criminal record and it was important to her to avoid being charged with a criminal offense.

On March 12, 2021 MB and Attorney Lewin appeared at Haverhill District Court for a Clerk-Magistrate Hearing. Attorney Lewin advocated for the Clerk-Magistrate to NOT issue a criminal complaint against MB. The Clerk-Magistrate then announced that he was going to continue the hearing for six months to September 10, 2021 and that if MB had no further law violations then the Clerk-Magistrate would deny the application for criminal complaint and NO criminal complaint would be issued against MB.

On September 10, 2021 the Application for a criminal complaint for leaving the scene against MB was denied and dismissed. As a result of this disposition, Attorney Lewin pointed out the following to MB

  • NO criminal complaint was issued against her.
  • She was NOT charged with any criminal offense.
  • MB did NOT have to return to court and go before a Judge.
  • NO entry was made in the criminal offender record keeping system (CORI) against MB.
  • MB has NO criminal record as a result of this disposition.

Needless to say, MB was thrilled with the result. Requesting a Clerk-Magistrate Hearing is very important as the hearing is an opportunity to settle the case without a criminal complaint being issued.

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